Set up your add-ons

Show your upsell items with the product's details


If you have linked any add-ons to products you have configured, they appear below your product selections on the Products tab. 

From here, you can choose where these add-ons appear in your checkout, either with the product details or on a dedicated add-ons page before the checkout page. 

You also can show them in both positions. 

When showing your add-ons with the product details, guests can select the add-ons in the context of the product they want after selecting their tickets.  It also means one less step for your guests. 

To toggle add-ons on or off for each checkout position:

  1. From the Products tab, scroll down to view any add-ons based on your product selections.
  2. Click Edit next to the add-on you want to change.
  3. And then toggle the positions on or off.
  4. Click Apply & Save changes. Click View checkout to preview and check your changes!