Find & optimize your images

More ways to use images to help showcase your products & build your brand


Spending some time finding the right images for your checkout and preparing them properly can help you increase your conversion rates. There are two key areas where images are important:

  • Your product images
  • The image in the top banner of your checkout, also known as the hero image

Your product images are crucial in helping you to sell your products. If your guests can see what they’re buying, they’re more likely to go ahead with the purchase.

And for the image at the top of your checkout, the checkout uses the default logo and background image from your venue’s design settings. You can change these to ones that more closely resemble your products and brand.

But before you add any images, make sure they are properly prepared. This means optimizing the images for the web, which involves choosing the right file format, reducing the file size & resizing your images. 

Check out our Help Center for guidelines to help you prepare & optimize your images for the checkout.

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